Personal Works

Here we have listed some of our own pieces that were published in magazines and anthologies, as well as essays and academic papers on speculative fiction.

Short Stories & Novels

What Makes You Forget, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction

The Honey of the World and the Queen of Crows, Beneath Ceaseless Skies

The Song of Leviathan, Cossmass Infinities

Retellings of the Inland Seas, Candlemark& Gleam

Heart of Vesta, Starship Sofa

Sinkholes, The Colored Lens

TheNoiseInside, Metaphorosis

Horns of Gold & Hands of Silver, Gallery of Curiosities

Blindness, See the Elephant

Ίσως, ΕκδόσειςΟξύ

Το Άνθος των Οστών, Φανταστικά Χρονικά

Αντίθετο Ημισφαίριο, Gamecraft

Ενυδρία, ArsNocturna

Esssays, articles & academic papers

Speculative Fiction in Greece, Future Fire

Fairy Tales My Father Never Told me, Transmundane Press

The Evolution of Fantastical Storyworlds, Ex-centric Narratives

The Wargame Legacy: How Wargames Shaped the Roleplaying Experience from Tabletop to Digital Games, Bloomsbury

Digital Role-Playing Games & Theater, PopMec

Between Scylla and Harybdis: A Survey of Greek Fantasy Tradition, The International Fantasy Reader, Routledge (forthcoming)

Η Γλώσσα της Faerie, Σύλλογος Φίλων Τόλκιν