What Makes You Forget, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
The Honey of the World and the Queen of Crows, Beneath Ceaseless Skies
The Song of Leviathan, Cossmass Infinities
Retellings of the Inland Seas, Candlemark& Gleam
Heart of Vesta, Starship Sofa
Sinkholes, The Colored Lens
TheNoiseInside, Metaphorosis
Horns of Gold & Hands of Silver, Gallery of Curiosities
Blindness, See the Elephant
Ίσως, ΕκδόσειςΟξύ
Το Άνθος των Οστών, Φανταστικά Χρονικά
Αντίθετο Ημισφαίριο, Gamecraft
Ενυδρία, ArsNocturna
Speculative Fiction in Greece, Future Fire
Fairy Tales My Father Never Told me, Transmundane Press
The Evolution of Fantastical Storyworlds, Ex-centric Narratives
The Wargame Legacy: How Wargames Shaped the Roleplaying Experience from Tabletop to Digital Games, Bloomsbury
Digital Role-Playing Games & Theater, PopMec
Between Scylla and Harybdis: A Survey of Greek Fantasy Tradition, The International Fantasy Reader, Routledge (forthcoming)
Η Γλώσσα της Faerie, Σύλλογος Φίλων Τόλκιν